Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Prompt Tuesday (December 9, 2008) -- Baudy Writing
A black-habited Catholic sister
met a strapping young Father who kissed her
He said "do not mourn He,
cause you've never had me!"
So she said "Then de-veil me, Mister!"
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Prompt Tuesday -- October 14, 2008
I have a strangely haunting fear of not finishing a book. It is a sort of guilt and fear mixed together that causes me to keep the book and organize it on a shelf with other books I haven’t yet finished. As they pile up (sideways, that is), I have this fear that I will someday die without having finished them all. Weird, I know.
So, after having read and enjoyed many Jack Kerouac books, for example, I came across, yet again, that unfinished copy of Big Sur recently and I threw it away. I didn’t donate it to the Salvation Army. I didn’t put it up there on my “unfinished reading shelf.” I had the balls to just say: “You know what? This book sucks! I will NEVER have time set aside to waste on this particular book!” And I tossed it. And by ridding myself of it, I gained permission to actualize that I don’t have obsess my way to the end of something to know it’s not for me.
Now if I can just start learning how to walk out of movies, things will be even better! :)
Monday, August 18, 2008
Prompt Tuesday -- August 18, 2008
I have filled the freezer
with your splendid body parts
that I took from your charming yet lifeless body.
Forgive me -- but your hands were so lovely
and they had been upon me so passionately the night before.
I could not bear to part with them.
And your cute, natty dreads -- and soft lips.
Your head with the still surprised look on its brow.
I'll preserve my memories of our short time together.
You were so sweet -- and are now so cold.
-- Jeffrey Dahlmer Carlos Williams
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Prompt Tuesdays -- Create an Aesop's Fable
The Turtle and His Sculpture
One particularly hot and humid day, a turtle was feeling bored and listless. So, at the edge of his pond, he stacked some polished, round pond rocks upon the mushy sand — first a large rock, then a small rock, and then a medium rock on the very top.
A fox came walking by, and seeing the rocks exclaimed. “My friend! I see what you are after! The medium rock on top of the others symbolizes the plight of man to reach the pinnacle of his success!”
The fox ran into the forest and returned with a bear. The bear, upon hearing the fox's translation, exclaimed. “Yes, I agree, Brother Fox, but you see the large stone on the very bottom symbolizes the plight of the supporters, helping others smaller and weaker than them.”
The fox and the bear ran back into the forest and returned with the badger, who, upon hearing the fox’s and bear’s interpretation of the turtle’s sculpture, exclaimed “Absoutely, my friends – but do you not see the middle rock symbolizes the plight of the hunted, pulling the universe together in pure harmony?”
Finally, unable to contain himself, the turtle exclaimed. “But you are all wrong! The rocks are just supposed to look like a tree stump!” Upon which, all three of the other animals shrugged and walked back into the forest unimpressed.
Moral: Artists, keep your mouths shut! The interpretation of your sheer genius is often from the unintentional!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Prompt Tuesdays --> Infomercial

Friday, June 20, 2008
Prompt Tuesdays: Wallace Stevens Poem . . .
It was a spyrograph. And colored pens. And his old rollerskates. Sitting there, untouched, as he remembered them.
Someone was yammering behind him. A voice he heard most nights. Something about spreadsheets and fuel injection and knee braces and insecticide. Something about the second half of that Kerouac book he never finished that sat on the living room shelf, dust blanketing the top edge of the pages. Or was it boxed up in the attic? Or had it been sold for pennies at some yard sale to make room for the annually-grouped Sunset magazine folios. Why hadn’t he finished it? Something about SAT tests, he seemed to remember. And car insurance. And wisdom teeth.
Was he really here now? Had he really wanted this? Had he already called the roller of big cigars? Was he that roller?
He reached deep into the drain, . . . grabbed it by the innards and pulled it inside out, the plumbing slopping out onto the linoleum in globbed intestinal piles . . . the small gear ringlets and pens from the spyograph clattering cleanly to the floor along with the skates, a tablet of Mad Libs, his first velcro wallet. Inside, an ASB card -- the laminated photo showing his hair parted in the middle, . . . his freckles darker, . . . more defined. And there was something in those eyes. Something forward looking. Something he had not seen in the mirror in a long, long time.
He strapped on his roller skates – a tad tight perhaps– stood, and rolled through the dining room, past the open front door, and onto the porch. The queen palms stood silhouetted against the phone lines in the twilight sky, a slightly humid and salty taste to the air.
There was an unread second half of a Kerouac book to find out there somewhere.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Tuesday Writing Prompt: Using Photo

Sleeping in a Hammock
with a Sleeping Bag in the Sierra.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Tuesday Writing Prompt: "Dear Diary"
She fumbled with the chromed ashtray lid on her armrest. The Packard was older but well kept – the ashtray lid evidently an exception.
“Chester, I asked you to loosen this lid. Use oil or something on the hinge of it. Today.”
Chester raised a finger to his hat – and nodded slightly.
Unable to budge it, she rolled down the window to the sound of engines humming at the intersection of 49th and 5th outside Rockefeller Center. The rain shot down onto the windows in firm, window-rattling missiles. Her long, ruby fingernails tapped the cigarette holder into the dreary twilight.
“Yes. Dear Diary. I’ve quite made up my mind.”
“But, Darling, last week . . . surely you . . .”
“I won’t have it any other way,” she said, looking down at her skirt for ash and smoothing the green silk. “Chester, cut over on 44th, please. Lunch at the Algonquin today. I wish to sit by the hearth with the firelight behind me. I feel like a wretched, wrinkled, rumpled, dampened mess.”
Chester lifted his right forefinger off the wheel in deferent recognition.
She turned to Robert and lifted her eyebrows. “Need I remind you, dear husband, that you are addressing a Pulitzer Prize–winning, Tony Award–winning author of 17 plays, 8 of which have gone to broadway, 3 of which have become hits, and one of which has been made into a movie for which I also received an Oscar. A shared Oscar, albeit, but I hardly think that . . .”
“Dear Diary it is, then.” He said, slumping down into the seat and watching the rain run down his window in small diverting creeks, the tightness growing in his stomach. Her original title, My Dearest Love Robert, had touched him in a way he hadn’t felt for years – since before the awards and glamour. Since before the limousines and the park-side move.
Somehow he knew it wouldn’t last.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tuesday Writing Prompt: An Elder's Voice
We lead our boys, our young men, to become leaders -- not only in the ways of self-sacrifice, strength, and breadwinning, but also of the faith, the pursuit of righteousness, and acceptance of the Elder's guidance. And, for our females, we educate in not only the craftsmanship of a holy household, but the pursuit of a blessed and fruitful womb. Ah, the blessed joys of dedication, holy union, and motherhood. For they shall balance the duties of not only fulfilling the Elder's carnal requirements, but for fulfilling our Lord's dictates for an honorable and pleasing wife. And, as celebrated by King David in Song of Solomon, to suckle our blessed projeny on breasts that have just budded forth not one year's hence.
Blessed be Moroni. Blessed be Jesus Christ, the Eternal God, who manifests himself and our truth to all people and nations.
Blessed be thy name.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tuesday Writing Prompt (May 20, 2008)
It is a very strange feeling, one that I haven't experienced before. That is clearly my jacket. I put it on this morning, long sleeved and black leather, with our club's angel insignia. And my watch, the Corum Bubble with the roulette-wheel face. And my hand, laying upwardly open, fingers moving slightly, my wedding ring sparkling from the early evening sunlight.
I didn't see the tree across the road until after the turn. Pine trees everywhere, actually, but I can't smell their fragrance. I can't breathe in, in fact. I try, but it is like I have no breath. I can move my lips, but I can emit no sound. I can look about -- but I cannot turn my head. Why am I laying over there, but looking at myself from over here? How can I be looking across the road at myself laying down . . . and at my Harley, laying sideways. At the bottom of my boots, with their nearly new, barely scuffed soles.
My body feels light and tingly, but my vision is clear. My body is there, but my ponytail is here, laying long and braided on the road before my eyes, under my chin, pointing toward my feet on the other side of the road. I . . . I don't understand. How can this be? Am I an angel?
Tuesday Writing Prompt (From May 6, 2008)
“Slide your manuscript in, please,” an old-yet-regal voice beckons.
Manuscript?, I think to myself. What manuscript? Was I supposed to . . . Ah, yes. Remembering that I had used my “Writing Prompt Tuesdays #1″ poem to plug a hole in my shoe, I quickly unlace and liberate it, smooth the page flat, and slide it under the bars toward the doorman’s squinted eyes.
“One moment, Sir,” the voice says as the window slides closed again.
Nearly an hour slips by and I toy with the idea of forraging for berries on the nearby bushes. I slip to the ground outside the door and lean upon it. The clanging awakens me, and I leap to my feet.
“Madam will see you now, sir.” More clanking and the door swings inwards. “I beg you to forgive the formalities, sir. Please enter. Ms. Rowling is very selective about her ghost-writing staff. She awaits you in the great hall.”
Tuesday Writing Prompt #1 (from 4/22/08)
“I feel like hippopota-messes.
Under the moors your teeth are dust,
your frilly buttons turned to rust.”
Said Heathcliff to her cold crevaces,
“Come dance with me upon the grasses.
With Venus now eclipsed with Mars
I’ll watch your eyes reflect the stars.”
Said Heathcliff to her at the dawn,
“Your whalebone hoopskirts turn me on.
And all the little things you brave
Like eating mushrooms from your grave.”
Said Catherine as they lay together,
“Your skin, Heathcliff, is supple leather.
Just shut your mouth and kiss me well
It’s cold down here, as cold as hell.”
— Paul R. Wade